DevFest Berlin: Hype Driven Development

Hype Driven Development: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Failures

Ever wondered what it would take to combine all the experimental features of a language you love (Spoilers… It’s Kotlin!) into one big bundle? I’m a lover of new and shiny stuff, so let me share with you my experience of using everything shiny, and new, in my pet project, to show you how to not do all the things you might want to do with yours! JetBrains Compose for Desktop, Unstable Coroutines APIs, version catalogues, Gradle composite builds, multiplatform navigation support, multiplatform paging, GraphQl, Firebase Cloud Functions, Molecule, Mosaic, what could go wrong?! ...

DevFest Berlin: What's New in Firebase

What's New in Firebase

After this years Google I/O, Firebase was upgraded and become an even more important role in the range of Google services available. Now properly integrated with Google Services, Firebase offers developers much more than than just a database for “personal” projects. The new updated Firebase however has left many developers a bit puzzled on how to properly include Firebase in their projects, how it integrates into Google Services, and how they can make use of the new features available. ...

November 12, 2016 · DevFest (Berlin, Germany) · 1 min · Ash Davies